Bipolar Playlist: 10 Songs for Mental Health
Source: Music is one of the most powerful things on this side of eternity. This is one of my beliefs. Music has gotten me through so much of my illness, my struggles, my sorrows, joys, triumphs, and failures. Music is uplifting, raw, jarring, and so real. It's real and open about our lives and being a human. Some music is trashy. Some music is fake sounding. Some music is just not my taste. But I know how powerful music can be for those struggling with mental illness, and that's why I am writing this. Some of the songs I will list won't vibe with you, and that's okay. But here are some of the songs that have gotten me through panic attacks, depression, suicidal feelings, and so much more: (In no particular order): 1. Vanilla Twilight by Owl City When violet eyes get brighter / And heavy wings grow lighter / I'll taste the sky and feel alive again / And I'll forget the world that I k...